Being a slut

Last night my family and I were about to head out for my mum’s annual birthday dinner. My dad bellowed at me to go and put some pants on, I politely informed him that I was wearing a playsuit, so I was already pants. He continued to tell me that it was much too short and to go and get changed. Trying not to get into a screaming match, I walked back into my room and looked for something else to put on that would meet his ‘standards’ (keeping in mind that this whole week has been over 40 degrees every single day, this being the lightest and coolest piece of clothing I own).

When we got in the car, my younger sister was wearing a similar thing that I was told to take off. Yet again, he grumbled to himself about what she was wearing (which in fact was a very cute floral playsuit), when my mum asked him to speak up, he went off his head saying that my sister needed to put more clothes on that she looked like she was naked. I politely told him that I thought she looked lovely, it was still a very hot evening and what she was wearing was an expression of herself. He then again bellowed at me, making it a very awkward and tense car ride, until he finally said that we looked like sluts.

Before the words could even escape my mouth, I was hushed by mother, and my dad continued; I then had to speak up, and then was scolded once again. For the sake of my mum’s special night, I swallowed my words and clenched my fists.

Both my sister and myself are long past the age where we should be told what to wear, we are not a religious family, therefore do not have any religious institutions to answer to, just to men who decide these ‘standards.’

Is it really that bad to look like a slut if you’re happy in what you’re wearing? Does your clothing really reflect your sexual promiscuity? Even if it did, what is so bad in being a slut? As long as you’re happy, and not hurting anyone else or yourself, is it really anyone else’s business but yours?

If we had a brother, I am more than certain that he would never be told what to wear, so why is it ok for a man to judge what the ‘standard’ is for someone else. Why can’t each person make the ‘standard’ for them self and rest peacefully knowing no one will judge them, or at least that no one will tell them to change.

How is it ok for a man, or anyone else for that matter to tell you what to do, when you’re already happy being the way you are. It’s not, but it’s definitely the accepted view in society.

Maybe he’s just old fashioned, or getting old and grumpy, but next time this happens again, it will not end with me tight lipped.